Large Format Tile in a small bathroom?
Is my 12x24 tile considered “large format”? Nope! Today we’re talking 30x30, 24x48 and 30x60’s. Technology has made these tiles available in large squares or rectangles. One of the many benefits to large format tile is being able to minimize grout joints, creating a clean and elegant design. Not only does this create a seamless look, it is also easier to clean and requires less maintenance.
Design versatility is music to a designer’s ears. For instance, a staple in every queens or Brooklyn bathroom is a 60” bathtub. Now with large format tile you can take a 30x60 tile horizontally laid you will only need 3 tiles! Giving you a luxurious look of full slabs on your back feature wall! Take a look at the pictures of recent projects done with large format tiles. Call or come in to make this hot new trend a reality in your space!